Real estate agents representing distressed propertieas can post pictures and property information online inan MLS-style The cost is $20 per property per Or, agents can buy a monthly subscription for $40, whichn allows them to post up to five Uvestor.com posted its firs Louisville-area listings at www.uvestor.comm in late May and had nearly 70 at the end of the Plans call for marketing Uvestor.com in Louisville initially and adding listingds in up to 150 U.S. markets by year’e end, Williamson said. He has financede the company, Uvestor LLC, with persona funds, and he has brought on two minorityy stakeholders whom he declinedto identify.
Williamson declinedc to disclose the amount of the but he said it is approachinfsix figures. Uvestor has worked with independenft contractors in India and the Philippinez to bring the conceptto fruition. The companuy also has three employees in threein Lexington, Ky., and one in Bardstown, Ky. Priore to launching Uvestor.com, Williamson has been involver with variousbusiness ventures, including Whiteboardc Enterprises, an information technology consulting and project management
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